Monday, 6 October 2014

Koru Design Art

Room 10 went through the following stages in producing Koru art based on family and their favourite colours.

At first we learnt about the origin of the Koru and its significance  in New Zealand.


In Maori design, the koru has a dual meaning. It is commonly used in Maori art as a symbol of creation because of its fluid circular shape. Based on the unfurling fern frond of the native New Zealand silver fern, the circular shape of the koru conveys the idea of perpetual movement, while it’s inner coil, the corm with rolled up inner leaflets, suggests a return to the point of origin. In the larger scheme, this is a metaphor for the way in which life both changes and stays the same.

Maori koru meaning


Some have determined that the koru meaning is one of harmony. 

New Beginnings

The koru is also said to represent new life. Literally speaking, the baby fern frond slowly unwinds over its adolescent lifetime as it grows into a mature frond. It then opens into a brand new leaf on the silver fern plant where it ages and then dies. This is the fern fronds life cycle. When the silver fern leaf is a frond in its lifecycle, it’s a baby; therefore people associate the koru design with new life.

Then we did some planning on a small blackboard.

Miss C is planning her design while Master E is giving feedback on Miss U's  Koru design
Master K is ready with  his Koru design .
Miss Y has checked to see that all her family members are represented in her design and the size of her Koru indicate how old the members are. 
Koru designs on display 

Miss K is busy colouring in her Koru with her Dad's favourite colours.

Miss U is colouring the background using  pastel.

The Koru design on display in the Hall. Each Koru design (artwork) represent  Room 10 students family and their favourite colours.

Two Koru designs on display in the staffroom.
Well done Room 10 .
Mrs Kumar.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Literacy day in Room 10

Well done to the six students who dressed up to celebrate Literacy day.
Look at the exciting things we did in class to celebrate literacy day Mrs K.

The best part was cutting and sequencing the pictures and words about the story of a book.
Miss S and Master D.
 We learnt about parts of a book and labelled the parts of a book on a worksheet. I enjoyed colouring the book cover. Miss N.
 We dressed up .
 We sorted the books in two groups.
Add caption

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Poi songs and actions for Room 10

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Look at this video and find information on Parachutes.

Mrs K.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Flight Videos for Room 10

How do birds use their wings to fly.

How to make a .............

Hi Room 10 . I hope you 'll enjoy watching these videos and gain a lot of information about your inquiry topic this term.


History of flight

Walt Disney video on flight.

A bird song

Bird rhyme

Birds ABC

Are you my mother story 


Aeroplane rhyme.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Room 10 Royals 
Take a glimse at the Prince and princess's of Room 10. After watching Kate and William on Television for a week and observing the clothes they have been wearing to different venues , the students planned a Royal Mufty Day.The images below show how the kids dressed up. 

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Celebrating the Royal Visit

This week Room 10 did an inquiry about The Royal Family.Students brought information from home and shared it with the rest of the class. Students in Room 10 also watched the news daily and their daily task was to find out the colour of Katherine's (The Dutchess) dress that she wore to different places /events daily.
The students also had to do an investigation on...."Can you make a flag banner to celebrate the Royal visit to New Zealand."A large  New Zealand Flag was hung on the wall and copies of the  United Kingdoms(British) flags, pegs, scissors,cellotape, glue stick, a long string and colouring pencils were provided.The students had to work out how to make a banner.
 These photographs explain the events during the week.
Room 10's third Environment award for the term from Ms J. 
Miss S was the first student who brought a magazine and shared it with the class.
Her Grandmother let her borrow the magazine because Miss S told her about Room 10's Royal Week.
Miss C brought two magazines to share with the class and she left it in the classroom for the students to read.
The students use the New Zealand flag to help figure out the colours on the Union Jack (British Flag)
Master T worked out  that all the triangles had to be coloured blue.
Clever boy Master T. 
Miss C and Miss A decide to use the scissors to cut the flag .
Miss C is the first one to hang her flag and decided to use the cellotape to attach the flag to the string.
Miss A looked at Miss C's flag and tried to hang her flag.

OOps her flag won't stay on so she decided to use a peg to attach the flag onto the string but............
Miss A has no idea how to use the purple peg so she picked up another kind of peg .
Miss A tried again and again and again using different pegs to hang her flag and finally she did it all by herself.
 Well done Miss A for having a go and not giving up. 
Room 10 was able to make a flag banner to celebrate the Royal visit and most students know the purpose of making the flag.The students also can name the signs and symbols on the New Zealand flag and the purpose of the union Jack on the New Zealand Flag.
Mrs K.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Geometry in Room 10

This week the students in Ruma Tekau have been learning how to sort shapes by a single feature and describe the feature, using everyday language. This means that students learnt how to classify or sort objects by their characteristics. These characteristics include shape, size, and colour. Students also learnt how to justify why they have sorted objects in the way they had and were encouraged to develop increasingly sophisticated classifications such as colour and size.
The students practised counting sets of objects (shapes) and recorded the number on a recording sheet.
The photographs below show samples of students work. 

Sunday, 30 March 2014

School assembly Song

Hi Room 10
Please learn the words for the song "Under the Boardwalk" by drifters.

Use this You tube video clip to assist you in singing the song. Enjoy Thank you Mrs YK.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Room 10's investigation into how to make butter.

As part of our milk unit, Room 10 made several attempts at finding out how butter is made. The students were divided into four groups. Three tables were step up with the ingredients and the materials for making butter. The students had to select only one item from each  table and try to make butter.
The photographs below show what each group selected from each table.

The students roved around to check if the correct number of items were collected from each table. The students talked about the groups who selected more than one item from each  table , therefore they were sent back to put the items away and reselect the items for making butter.
Next the groups chose a table to sit at and make butter. These photographs show what the students did at each table.
"First we'll put the cream in the jar and then we'll use a whisk to whisk it. 
Oops the whisk is too big."...Sotheary. Let's Shake it ....Darshika

"Oops i think we need something else . We can't make butter with water
I think we need some yoghurt."...Evnik

Only one group was able to make butter. The photographs below show the butter that was made. 

The students enjoyed tasting the butter and used the word creamy to describe it. The students also had the opportunity to taste the butter form a supermarket. When the question was asked "How is Room 10's butter different from the supermarket butter ,one of the girls shouted..." the butter from the supermarket is salty". 
The photographs below show you what happened at the end of the investigation.